Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Karma "Down Dog" Project continues...

I've continued to hand out the Karma "Down Dog" Project bags to, well, pretty much anyone who will take them....here are a few of the people who are kind enough to entertain the idea of keeping dog food in their car...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Got Chocolate Milk?

My Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) class showing appreciation for the Got Chocolate Milk campaign...free headbands put some of us on our heads!

Obstacles on the Path of Yoga

In the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali, he writes of Nine Obstacles on the Path of Yoga.  In short, they are:

  1. vyadhi and styana- illness of the body and of the mind
  2. samshaya - indecision / doubt
  3. pramada - carelessness / negligence
  4. alasya - laziness
  5. avirati - want of non-attachment / craving
  6. bhranti-darshana - false views or perception
  7. alabdha-bhumikatva - failure, particularly in attaining stages of practice
  8. anavasthitatva - instability / loss of confidence
  9. chitta-vikshepa - distractions of the mind
I can look back on my path to yoga, my path IN yoga, and recall a time when each of these obstacles reared its head to derail my practice.  And wow, what a good job they do too!  Regardless of what "path" you are, doesn't it always seem like the universe is throwing obstacles in your way at times?  I personally used to find it easy to give in to obstacles without applying much accountability back to myself...so, I was sick?  Not my fault...so I'm tired, I've been working hard...not my fault.  So I wanted to go have a few drinks with friends, instead of hitting the mat...I deserve that...not my fault.  

But the difference that I try to implement now, that I'm more self-aware of obstacles and how we can begin to overcome them, is remembering my path, plain and simple.  When I bring my path to the forefront, it becomes easy to hold myself accountable.  I am sick...what might be the reasons that I can control?  Diet? Stress?  I'm too tired to go?  Remember how GOOD I feel when I do, so I push thru.  I want to go have a few drinks with friends?  Pick a night where yoga was NOT in the plan.  

It's not always perfect, but recognizing these obstacles when they show themselves, it a great opportunity to remember why you have chosen the path to yoga, and why you should hold yourself accountable to stay on that path.  Mainly, because nobody else will!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Karma "Down Dog" Yoga Project

I am in week 8 of a very intensive 12 week Yoga Teacher Training Program.  We have been asked to do a lot during this training to learn about the history of yoga, the limbs of yoga, the philosophies and concepts behind yoga, and how to teach yoga.  One of the EASIEST requirements of the course is the Karma Yoga Project.  The guidance we were given was that it could be anything we chose.  I actually spent a lot of time thinking about the options...helping people, helping animals, something to do one time, or something to keep going.

I'm one of those people who really does want to change the world, I just never know where to start -- and then guess what happens?  I never do...so finally I came up with an idea, stuck with it and did it!  It may not change the world...but maybe it could change the fate for a stray or lost dog...maybe, it could end up being the source of a meal that keeps it going until it is rescued to find its owners or its new forever home.

Here is my Karma "Down Dog" Project...

1. I bought a bag of dog food and quart-sized Ziploc bags

2. I filled each bag with about 2 cups of dog food

3. I made cards describing what the project was...each card says this:

Karma “Down Dog” Project
Please keep this bag of dog food in your car.  If you ever come across a dog that’s “down” on its luck and needs a meal, please consider leaving this for the dog.

  • Avoid placing food by a busy road
  • Always keep your own safety in mind
  • Consider saving the dog (foster, adopt, or take to a rescue)
  • Consider continuing the project yourself by:

  1. Making one bag to give away each time you buy a bag of food for your own dog, or
  2. Buying one bag of dog food and making bags to give away

4. Now I am handing them out to friends, co-workers, and well, pretty much anybody who will take one!  It was that easy!  Here is a picture of my boss, a dog lover, very excited about having a bag to keep with her.

I may not be changing the world yet...but I am doing SOMETHING!  What can you do today?

Oh, and one more picture...my puppies watching me put together the Karma Down Dog bags...
