Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How Do You Cue: Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-limbed staff pose)

At times, it could be almost impossible to count how many times you would Chaturanga Dandasana in a one hour yoga class.  It is a part of both Sun Salutation A and B as well as included in any full or half vinyasa.  Bottom line, you will do it A LOT!  This is one of the RARE poses that you will almost always hear referred to by its Sanskrit name during a practice, although it is usually truncated to simply "Chaturanga".  The full Sanskrit term is Chaturanga Dandasana which translates as "catur" (four), "anga" (limb), "danda" (staff), "asana" (pose) or four-limb staff pose. 

So, how do you cue, Chaturanga Dandasana?

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four limbed staff)
Cue type
Short & sweet
Low plank
Meet in the middle
Step or jump back to the top of a pushup and lower down (halfway)
All in the details
From plank on balls of feet with hands directly under shoulders, lower down, hugging elbows to sides, until arms are at a 90 degree angle and hover

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Homemade Coconut Oil Toothpaste

So, I started reading about Coconut Oil Toothpaste, and while it is not easy to find a medical (meaning dental) source that will confirm that this is an overall healthy solution, I couldn’t help but want to try it based on much what I had read.  Things like:

“Coconut oil is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal.  Studies have shown that coconut oil destroys the bacteria that can cause tooth decay.” (Source:

“Baking soda is less abrasive from normal toothpaste, which protects your tooth enamel from wearing off." (Source:

“Fluoride causes us to absorb extra aluminum – aluminum is the metal that shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims.” (Source:

Along with the fact that over the counter toothpaste comes with a warning to contact Poison Control if too much is ingested by children.   However, I want to caveat, that even if a small child ingested too much of this homemade concoction, I would also be inclined to call Poison Control!  Right?!
So, anyway, based on a sampling of recipes I found online, here is my own version:


The first time I used it, I honestly thought my teeth felt cleaner than they ever had using an OTC toothpaste and I was delighted to find that the feeling of cleanliness lasted throughout the day, even after eating a meal! 
Disclaimer: I absolutely will discuss with my dentist on my next visit and HIGHLY recommend that you do as well!
I’m also excited to find out what else I can do with coconut oil!!!

Friday, January 2, 2015

How do you cue: Ardha Uttanasana (Standing forward bend / half forward fold)

Ardha Uttanasana is a pose used to extend and warm the spine and legs and is a key asana in the Sun Salutations A & B sequences because of its loosening and warming qualities. However, you will find it used throughout most yoga flows.  You may notice tightness through the first few of your practice, but with each expansion into this pose, you will quickly feel its positive effects. So, How Do You Cue Ardha Uttanasan?

Ardha Uttanasana (Half standing forward bend/ half forward fold)
Cue type
Short & sweet
lookup and lengthen
Meet in the middle
rising half way up, gaze is out and up
All in the details
push up thru the fingertips, shoulders back, spine straight, chin out, gaze up

Image source: