Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Homemade Coconut Oil Toothpaste

So, I started reading about Coconut Oil Toothpaste, and while it is not easy to find a medical (meaning dental) source that will confirm that this is an overall healthy solution, I couldn’t help but want to try it based on much what I had read.  Things like:

“Coconut oil is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal.  Studies have shown that coconut oil destroys the bacteria that can cause tooth decay.” (Source:

“Baking soda is less abrasive from normal toothpaste, which protects your tooth enamel from wearing off." (Source:

“Fluoride causes us to absorb extra aluminum – aluminum is the metal that shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims.” (Source:

Along with the fact that over the counter toothpaste comes with a warning to contact Poison Control if too much is ingested by children.   However, I want to caveat, that even if a small child ingested too much of this homemade concoction, I would also be inclined to call Poison Control!  Right?!
So, anyway, based on a sampling of recipes I found online, here is my own version:


The first time I used it, I honestly thought my teeth felt cleaner than they ever had using an OTC toothpaste and I was delighted to find that the feeling of cleanliness lasted throughout the day, even after eating a meal! 
Disclaimer: I absolutely will discuss with my dentist on my next visit and HIGHLY recommend that you do as well!
I’m also excited to find out what else I can do with coconut oil!!!

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