Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How Do You Cue: Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-limbed staff pose)

At times, it could be almost impossible to count how many times you would Chaturanga Dandasana in a one hour yoga class.  It is a part of both Sun Salutation A and B as well as included in any full or half vinyasa.  Bottom line, you will do it A LOT!  This is one of the RARE poses that you will almost always hear referred to by its Sanskrit name during a practice, although it is usually truncated to simply "Chaturanga".  The full Sanskrit term is Chaturanga Dandasana which translates as "catur" (four), "anga" (limb), "danda" (staff), "asana" (pose) or four-limb staff pose. 

So, how do you cue, Chaturanga Dandasana?

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four limbed staff)
Cue type
Short & sweet
Low plank
Meet in the middle
Step or jump back to the top of a pushup and lower down (halfway)
All in the details
From plank on balls of feet with hands directly under shoulders, lower down, hugging elbows to sides, until arms are at a 90 degree angle and hover

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