Friday, December 12, 2014

How do you cue: Uttanasana (Standing forward bend / forward fold)

Uttanasana is the second posture in both Surya Namaskar A and B, not to mention used heavily throughout most yoga sequence.  This posture is great for stretching the hamstrings and calves and strengthening the thighs and knees.  Yes, you read that right, it's not just a yin pose, but also a yang when the knees are bent slightly.  It is not imperative that the student bring their hands all the way to the mat although cueing them to do so will encourage them to at least try, but slight modifications can include bringing the fingertips to the floor or the hands to the ankles or shins.  So, How Do You Cue Uttanasana?  Here are some good ones that I have heard...

Uttanasana (Standing forward bend / forward fold)
Cue type
Short & sweet
Forward fold
Meet in the middle
Sweep palms to the mat, folding forward
All in the details
Bend at the hips bringing palms toward the mat, chest to thighs

Image source:

Namaste.  YWG

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