Monday, December 15, 2014

Made me smile...Monday

The scene: Monday morning, dreary drive to work in pouring rain, temperature around 48 degrees – at least it wasn’t freezing, but it wasn’t warm.  I typically spend my morning drive on the way to work “meditating” to try to set a positive intention for my day.  As with other meditation activities, this can sometimes be very hard for me – and the rainy Monday was definitely not helping.  But today, as I crossed thru the last intersection before my work complex, I saw something that made me smile.  On the corner of the intersection is a large apartment complex.  Many mornings, I have noticed the school bus there making the morning stop.  Today, as I sat at the red light, for some reason my attention was drawn to the school bus. The door was closed, so all the students had boarded.  But what I noticed was the congregation of umbrellas on either side of the bus.  That stuck out to me…for it meant that some parents probably went to driver side of the bus so their child could see them or they could see their child.  I continued to watch as no less than 25 parents continued to stand there when, as if orchestrated, all the umbrellas turned to follow the bus as it pulled away.  Then it struck me…they didn’t just put their children on the bus and walk away…they stayed there…whether for themselves, or for their children.  Watching this scene that goes on every morning, for some reason made me smile.  To see that kind of simple support of parents for their children was powerful. 

Then my light turned green.  As I crossed thru the intersection, I came to another boy that is usually waiting for the same bus at the end of his driveway just down the street.  Today, his mother was with him with an umbrella and holding him tight to her to keep him warm and dry.  Again, she had not just sent him out in the dreary weather to wait for the bus, she was there with him.  That made me smile even more. 

It’s those moments of simple support that can mean so much to someone’s day, whether it’s your child, a family member, or even a stranger.  We all have a chance to let someone know we acknowledge them or are there for them.  And that is what made me smile today!

Namaste.  YWG

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