Thursday, December 11, 2014


I love Pinterest!  Okay, I am saying this probably three years after the rest of the Pinterest world, but it's never too late, is it?  I like to stay organized, and I like to keep up with random pieces of facts and knowledge.  I am also a very visual person.  So the concept behind Pinterest is to be able to "pin" items from the internet on various boards that you can create and categorize.  The best part is that with each "pin", which is really a bookmark, you get to include a picture.  Bottom line, that means, Pinterest and I...a match made in the ether!   I can follow certain interests and see similar relevant content as soon as I hit the site.  I can create my own boards and pin within those categories, and best of all, I can choose to keep some private.  Well, as private as we choose to believe, right? 

So Pinterest has now become my go-to method of keeping track of websites and references that I know I will use again and again.  Right now, I have mostly boards dedicated to yoga:

  • Yoga - Elderly or disabled
  • Yoga - Facts and knowledge
  • Yoga - Flows and sequences
  • Yoga - For Golfers
  • Yoga - For Healing
  • Yoga - Gear
  • Yoga - Kids
  • Yoga - Meditation
  • Yoga - Photography
  • Yoga - Playlists
  • Yoga - Poses
  • Yoga - Sayings and Quotes
  • Yoga - Teaching
  • Yoga - Tips
  • Yoga - Travel / Retreats
  • Yoga - Videos

It's a great resource for keeping track of the things and ideas that you love...try it out if you haven't already.  If you have, follow YogaWriteGirl, so I can follow you back.



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