Monday, December 8, 2014

Teacher week to go.

Yoga focuses a lot on sensation.  So, with one week to go in my Yoga Teacher Training, I find myself trying to figure out what I am really FEELING about it coming to an end.  I see classmates tear up at the thought of it ending, and I see other classmates smile at the thought of no longer having to spend 8 hours every Saturday and Sunday in a darkened yoga studio.  I definitely fall in the latter group.  I am ready to have my life back...but at the same time, I began to feel guilty for feeling that way.  But then I realized that I won't just be getting my life back, I will be getting it back with a whole new layer of experiences and perspectives to only make it that much better.

I will remember all the girls I went thru YTT with...I say "girls" because I am by far the oldest and feel like the mom of the group, I will remember the fear, the tears, the PAIN...the laughter, the crazy poses, the learning a little too much about each other at times.  I will remember a lot of the history, the theory, and the mechanics that we learned, but just as much, I will remember the EXPERIENCES we endured.  Yes, endured...YTT is not meant to be easy.  It is meant to challenge you, physically and emotionally, because that is what yoga and students will continue to do for the rest of our lives. 

So thinking of all I have experienced, learned, taken on, and let go over the last 12 weeks, I know that I FEEL ready for it to be over, but only because I am ready to see what great things it will lead to...a whole new world and commitment to yoga and all that it can bring to my life, and hopefully allow me to share with others!

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